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The purpose of the Archives is to acquire, preserve, and make available for research, in accordance with accepted professional principles and procedures, records, private documents and publications in all media pertaining to the history of the General Council Offices and the Ontario Regional Councils of The United Church of Canada and its antecedent denominations.
Accession: UCCA, 1982.292P/1
Below are the main acquisition areas for The United Church of Canada Archives. The Archives collects various types of records in analogue and digital format.
Descriptions of Archival holdings can be found in the Archives Catalogue.
The Archives also holds digital content. Some of this content forms part of our online holdings.
If you are transferring or donating files, please contact the Archives.
Records of local churches and Communities of Faith part of the Ontario Regional Councils.
Records of the General Council, and the administrative divisions and offices of the General Council.
Records of the Regional Councils in Ontario, former Conferences and presbyteries, church camps and specialized ministries.
Records of the antecedent denominations which entered into union in 1925.
Personal papers of individuals and organizations associated with The United Church of Canada and its antecedent denominations.
Publications by or related to the United Church form a part of The United Church of Archives holdings. The Archives also holds a microfilm collection.
Inter-Church Coalitions, and other inter-denominational/ecumenical organizations.