Growing out of the archives’ response to the Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) Calls to Action (2015) and our commitment to implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), the project is the third in a three-phased research project.

This third phase involves the review, description, and digitization of records to facilitate a greater understanding of the Archives’ Indigenous materials and easier access to this information by Indigenous communities. The General Council Archives are carrying out this project in collaboration with a third-party vendor who will undertake the bulk of scanning.
Building Awareness
In response to Calls to Action and principles proclaiming the Right to Know, digitizing records will enable the archives to provide communities with better access to information and data.
Maintaining Transparency
Indigenous people have the right to transmit their histories, writing systems, literatures, to future generations. This project affirms our obligations to uphold community control of how information about them is collected and used.
Redress and Reparation
Aligning with UNDRIP principles, the project is meant to enable community-led mechanisms for prevention and redress. The digitization of these records will maintain channels of accountability while the archives act as stewards of these records.